Annual conference – get involved!
This year’s SIDA conference takes place on 27th September at Dynamic Earth, Edinburgh and online. We’ll be discussing how we can reignite passion and commitment for the Sustainable Development Goals. Please put the date in your diaries now, and information on how to book will be coming soon.
In the meantime, we need your help! As always we want our activities to be member-led, so please get in touch to tell us what you’d like to see at the conference. Perhaps you’d even like to get involved by planning a session? We’ll be organising some inspirational keynote speakers but are looking for your ideas for other sessions. Perhaps you have ideas for speakers for a panel session? Or suggestions for an agenda item that would inspire others. Perhaps you’ve seen an SDG star speaker that we need to know about. Your involvement can be as simple as recommending a speaker, or as in depth as helping us programme a whole session.
Sponsorship & Exhibition Opportunities.
Partner with us on Conference 2023 as headline sponsor, associate sponsor or exhibitor and profile your organisation as an enabler of thought leadership and sectoral expertise. Click Here for more information or contact Francis to discuss in more detail.
Lightning Presentations
Can you help us with a 2 minute lightning presentation or film exploring how your organisation is contributing to an SDG?
If you’d like to get involved contact Francis at: