Guidance for anyone interested in responding to the members bill consultation on a Wellbeing and Sustainable Development Bill for Scotland.
Scotland’s International Development Alliance is delighted to welcome Sarah Boyack MSPs members bill consultation on a Wellbeing And Sustainable Development Bill for Scotland.
The Bill is an opportunity for Scotland to demonstrate joined-up policymaking, linking global and domestic priorities, alongside human and environmental wellbeing and putting them at the forefront of decision making. This legislation could trigger a step change in the way decisions are made in Scotland, ensuring sustainable development and wellbeing become the main drivers of policy and practice across public life.
Working with a diverse group of organisations interested in furthering wellbeing and sustainable development in Scotland, we have produced the guidance below which we hope will be of use to those interested in responding to the consultation. The group is led by Scotland’s International Development Alliance and includes Carnegie UK, Oxfam Scotland and Wellbeing Economy Alliance and others representing the health, social care, community enterprise, environment and nature sectors.
In general we agree with the measures proposed in this consultation. We have attempted to explain some wider thinking around each question and offer some suggested text that others may wish to consider in their response. However, we very much encourage all respondents to include their own ideas.
Please download the guidance below, and submit your consultation response by 24 March.
Read more from Sarah Boyack MSP about her proposal here: Members Bill – Sarah Boyack MSP