Our colleagues within the University of Edinburgh’s School of Social and Political Science are on the lookout for placement-based dissertation research projects. This is a great opportunity for Alliance member organisations to work with talented students from various MSc programmes on a mutually beneficial research project, and are encouraged to get in touch to find out more and propose a project.
This year participating organisations will ‘host’ students virtually for 8-10 weeks in May and June 2021, and students will conduct online research. Organisations are invited to propose projects that can be conducted on a fully remote basis; in the past these have included students working on project evaluations, impact assessments, ‘back burner’ projects, analysis of existing datasets and scoping exercises.
The deadline for projects is 23 November. The research findings are submitted to the organisation and form the basis of the student’s MSc dissertation. Since the project forms an integral part of the student’s degree there is no requirement to provide any remuneration.
More information can be found on the placement-based dissertation website and if you would like to have an informal chat about the scheme, or propose a research project please contact Rachel Parks, Work Placement Advisor by emailing workplacements@ed.ac.uk.