Mission Statement
Ecologia Youth Trust is an international charity that promotes the welfare of young people by providing safe secure learning environments where they can discover and develop their potential to make a contribution to their communities while protecting the environment.
* Improve conditions for homeless, abandoned and socially impoverished children.
* Provide foster homes and therapeutic education for orphans.
* Promote inter-cultural co-operation and friendship.
* Protect the natural environment through education.
* Offer volunteering and cultural exchange programmes.
We endorse the Declaration of Human Rights, that “all human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights… and should act towards one another in a spirit of brother and sisterhood.”
The Trust’s objects are:
a) The advancement of education for the public benefit and in particular the advancement of therapeutic education for socially deprived children and education for youth in ecological awareness and environmental protection.
b) The advancement of physical and spiritual health of underprivileged persons irrespective of their age, youth or their social or economic circumstances.
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Areas of interest
- Climate Action
- Quality Education
Operational areas
- Georgia
Registered charity number
The Park Forres IV36 3TD