Nick Guttmann, the head of Humanitarian Division at Christian Aid will speak about his 30+ years experience in humanitarian work. He discusses how we ensure affected communities are part of any response, the importance and challenges of localisation of humanitarian response, and the ever-growing challenges that the global humanitarian system faces with the global climate emergency.
Since 2001 Nick has developed partnership-based emergency responses now seen as one of the leading exponents of locally led emergency response. This has included major responses in Nigeria, the DRC, Bangladesh, India, Philippines, Ethiopia, South Sudan, Nepal Haiti and most recently Malawi and Zimbabwe following cyclone Idai.
He is passionate about accountability to affected communities and has always tried to make it central to the work of the agencies he has worked for communities. He played a key role in the development of the Core Humanitarian Standards and was one of the founders of the Start Network. He also developed key reference documents for the first SPHERE handbook – the oldest initiative in the field of humanitarian standards.
This event will be great for anyone interested in going into development and humanitarian work, or anyone with a general interest in these topics.
This event is free to attend and open to everyone!