Topics: fundraising regulation, corporate partnerships, major donors, in-kind support, legacies, digital tools
Location: Aberdeen
Trainer: Judith Lowes
This full day workshop helped partcipants to strategically think about their organisation’s fundraising and the different options open to them. It was an opportunity to brush up on the standards and regulations charities need to comply with and a chance to hear from peers about their solutions to commonly encountered fundraising challenges.
What the course covered:
- Understanding how to take a strategic and proportionate approach to fundraising
- Being aware of industry standards and essential regulation to comply with in Scotland and the UK
- Understanding how major giving, corporate partnerships, pro-bono/in-kind support and legacy giving work in practice
- Knowing the variety of digital tools that can be used to manage fundraising activities and securely store donor information
- Identifying best practice across the Scottish third sector/ the international development sector