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Digital Summit 2020

24 September 2020, 9:00 AM
This is a past event. See our upcoming events

In response to the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic, the Alliance for the first time moved its annual conference to a fully online format. Representatives from the humanitarian and development sector in Scotland, the UK and beyond gathered for the Alliance’s first ever Digital Summit on 24 September to explore innovative responses to the COVID-19 pandemic, and to consider how collective action could help to forge a more sustainable, inclusive and resilient future, as envisaged in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

The event brought together 239 attendees from 19 different countries, and incorporated sessions exploring topics ranging from education to the climate crisis to safeguarding in the international development sector. 

Session summaries

For people who attended the digital summit, the platform is still open to provide access to all resources and discussions from the day. For those who weren’t able to make it, recordings from all sessions are in the playlist embedded below (see the rightmost list icon in the top right corner of the video to select the session you’d like to see).

A transcript of Jenny Gilruth MSP’s opening address, which was not recorded, can be found on the Scottish Government website here.

How we move forwards

We invited all of our attendees to commit to the steps they could take to change their approach and build back better. Attendees submitted their pledges using the digital post-it tool Padlet – see below for an image of the post-it board (a text-only PDF is also linked underneath)

Text record of attendee pledges

Look back at social media from the day

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