This interactive online course with Acacia Development Associates explored what adaptive management means, and how to manage your projects and programmes adaptively in light of COVID-19. It covered what what adaptive management means in practical terms, and offered tools to help navigate a changing context strategically.
About the trainer:
Jeremy Astill-Brown is an experienced policy manager and analyst with over 22 years of experience as a British diplomat and a further 10 years as a consultant, mostly in Africa focussing on the fields of development, human rights, peace and security. Jeremy’s primary focus has been the promotion of sustainable peace and security in order to allow development to flourish. Acacia Development Associates Ltd works with development partners in civil society, government and the profit and not-for-profit sectors to ensure that their programmes are as fully effective as possible.
Read Jeremy’s blog about delivering programmes that work in the context of COVID-19 on our website.
What the training covered
- understanding adaptive management and why it is important
- identifying how to be resilient in complex scenarios
- identifying examples of good practices around adaptive management in the international development and humanitarian sector
- understanding how to operate adaptively in the light of the COVID-19 outbreak