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Corporate accountability group

SIDA is pleased to be facilitating a new group for Scotland, which aims to bring together organisations who are working to ensure that Scottish corporations are transparent and accountable, and that businesses are protecting human and environmental rights.

We will be providing a platform for policy and advocacy collaboration amongst group members, an opportunity for problem-solving and information sharing, and the opportunity to create group-led initiatives.

The group will have an initial meeting on Tuesday 29 October, 11am – 12.30pm in Edinburgh. All SIDA members are welcome to join us – please email for more info.

The group will define priorities over time, but the kind of things we might work together on include:

  • Identify ways to hold Scottish corporations to account on their supply chains, including through the new Human Rights Act, Circular Economy Act, and procurement policies.
  • Call for the Scottish Government to renew the Scottish Business Pledge (or develop an alternative) around human rights and business, and ensure this requires businesses to consider global supply chain impacts.
  • Ensure that those who are espousing commitments to implementing the SDGs fully implement the implied rights’ obligations that that entails.

Our hope is to bring various organisations together around live campaigning issues, depending on members interests. We will also work closely with the Corporate Justice Coalition and seek opportunities to amplify their work in Scotland.

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