Refreshed Fair Trade Nation criteria has been announced.
Scottish Fair Trade have shared the refreshed set of criteria ahead of a reassessment of Scotland’s Fair Trade Nation status.
The five new criteria against which assessment will take place before the end of 2024, include:
- there is widespread awareness of Fair Trade;
- there is significant engagement with Fair Trade across different sectors of society;
- there is consumption and production of Fair Trade products;
- there is political support and engagement with Fair Trade;
- inequalities in global trade and society are challenged by Fair Trade.
With the original criteria having been drawn up 20 years ago, the changed environment and future ambitions of the global Fair Trade movement called for a review of the criteria. The refreshed criteria are considered robust and meaningful having been reviewed and agreed by Scottish Fair Trade, Fair Trade Wales, the Scottish and Welsh governments, along with a wide range of global stakeholders, including Scotland’s International Development Alliance. As such, the criteria can be applied by administrations internationally, and will guide the reassessment of Scotland’s status as a Fair Trade Nation, soon to commence and to be led by an international panel.
Read the full report ‘Fair Trade Nation: A refresh of the criteria, measures and indicators, and assessment process’.