In a just and compassionate Scotland, everyone should have the opportunity to live a good and dignified life, both now and in the future. Right now, people are struggling as we face increasing financial, social and environmental crises. Our progress towards tackling these crises has been hampered by a lack of clarity and competing goals.
Now more than ever, we need bold action from the Scottish Government that not only safeguards the wellbeing of people and planet, but puts it at the heart of all decision making.
The long-promised Wellbeing and Sustainable Development Bill has the potential to do just that. To place wellbeing and sustainable development as the key drivers for policy and practice – a vital step towards establishing a Wellbeing Economy in Scotland.
Our current economic model, that relentlessly prioritises maximising economic growth at all costs, is a recipe for societal and planetary disaster. The drive for growth has not, and is not, delivering fair or sustainable outcomes.
We have rising poverty, growing inequality, and we are crossing safe environmental thresholds. We must pause and ask ourselves: ‘what are we growing and at what cost?’
As a founding member of the Wellbeing Economy Governments partnership (WEGo), Scotland has been known for its leadership in the Wellbeing Economy movement. In recent years our progress has been hampered and we are now at risk of falling behind in an agenda the world is waking up to.
Next month will see the pivotal UN Summit of the Future reflecting the growing, global movement happening as people awaken to the urgent need to address the challenges of our time.
Prioritising our collective wellbeing enables us to adopt a collaborative approach to policymaking. It empowers people to realise their full potential.
Sustainable development helps us to improve our collective wellbeing, in a way that reduces inequality and protects the wellbeing of current and future generations. It reminds us that our wellbeing is also closely connected to that of others around the world, inspiring us to be a responsible and caring global neighbour.
As the Scottish Government lays out their Programme for Government, it is a vital moment for them to deliver on commitments made. Commitments to eradicate poverty, tackle the climate emergency, improve Scotland’s public services and ensure we have a thriving economy.
The Programme for Government is an opportunity for the Scottish Government to deliver on their commitment to a Wellbeing and Sustainable Development Bill. We know there is cross party support for this Bill, it is an opportunity for the Scottish Government and Parliament to work together to pass world leading legislation that creates a clear and shared narrative of progress for Scotland.
I believe this Bill can set out a road map for a future where everyone in Scotland can thrive. It compels us to act in a way that leaves our planet in a better state for our grandchildren and their grandchildren.