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New ‘Crack the Crises’ Coalition launches to tackle the triple emergency of COVID, injustice and climate

The Alliance is delighted to have joined organisations from across the UK advocating for a better future for people and planet, through the newly-launched, ‘Crack the Crises’ coalition. Representing a diverse group of organisations from across the UK, the Coalition is calling on the UK government to demonstrate leadership on the global stage in tackling the triple emergency of COVID, injustice and climate change.

Voters are calling on the UK government to provide ‘global moral leadership’ in the overwhelming belief that COVID, poverty and climate change require countries to work together on solutions, according to a new YouGov survey. 

The finding emerges as organisations representing more than 10 million people across the UK united to demand concerted action on COVID, climate change and help for struggling communities at home and abroad. 

A new coalition, ‘Crack the Crises’, is calling on the UK government to demonstrate leadership on the global stage in tackling the triple emergency of COVID, injustice and climate change. With the UK hosting the G7 in Cornwall in June followed by the COP26 climate conference in Glasgow in November, the coalition unites nature, development, climate change and UK social justice groups with a shared strategy urging a just and green recovery. Coalition members range from 100-year-old global organisations to start-ups.

Priorities the coalition has identified for government policy include:

  • CRACK THE COVID CRISIS – the UK government should work with others to ensure everyone who needs the vaccine can get it without a global ‘jabs race’ that leaves the poor behind. In the UK, they should make sure nobody has to choose between their life and their livelihood, with proper support for everyone who needs help with finances during the pandemic.
  • CRACK THE INJUSTICE CRISIS – the inequality that COVID has both illuminated and accelerated is leaving countries and communities without the resources to protect their people. The UK government should reverse its planned cut to life-saving aid and work with others to drop the debt paid by the poorest countries and get every child into school. Here at home they should make sure no child is hungry or locked out of learning because they don’t have data or devices.
  • CRACK THE CLIMATE CRISIS – the UK Government must show leadership as host of this year’s crucial climate talks to bring communities at home and abroad together behind a credible plan to limit global temperature rises to 1.5°C and to protect ecosystems here and abroad. At home they must show their commitment to a green recovery by mounting a green jobs revolution and immediately stopping the opening of the first deep coal mine in the UK in 30 years.

You can find out more about the coalition’s policy asks by clicking here.

Among those leading the work of the coalition is Save the Children, whose Campaigns Director Kirsty McNeill said:

“People are crying out for leadership, for a vision that will tackle COVID, climate change and injustice, all of which are inextricably linked. People are scared but this year presents great opportunities to ‘Crack the Crises’ by galvanising international, co-ordinated action at the G7 and COP26 summits and putting fairness at the heart of the recovery here at home. The world is watching our leaders. These summits this year are the ultimate test of whether they are able to deliver the changes the public are telling us they want.”

Chief Executive of The Wildlife Trusts, Craig Bennett, said: “The ecological and climate crises are the strongest possible warning that the future of people and our planet are intimately connected. COVID has revealed a lot of what’s unfair in our world and all these crises tell us what’s unsafe too. We’re facing mutually re-enforcing crises of COVID, ecosystem collapse, climate change and injustice – today we’re standing together to say they need tackling together”.
To demonstrate the coalition’s aims, a campaign film has been produced. It showcases what has been achieved in the past by British people coming together at critical moments in our history.

The coalition is asking organisations and citizens to show their support by sharing the campaign video and to join this effort for people and planet by using the hashtag #CrackTheCrises and more information can be found at

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