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Neil Gray MSP announced as Minister for Culture, Europe and International Development

On 24 January 2022, the Scottish government announced Ministerial changes, with Jenny Gilruth taking on the portfolio of Transport with immediate effect, and Neil Gray replacing her as Minister for Culture, Europe, and International Development. 

Welcoming Neil to his post, Frances Guy, Alliance CEO said:

“We warmly welcome Neil Gray, MSP, as Minister for Culture, Europe and International Development and look forward to working closely with him to drive forward Scotland’s contribution to global, sustainable development. Neil joins the Government at a crucial time to ensure more joined up thinking across Government as plans for a Wellbeing and Sustainable Development (Scotland) Bill get underway.

We also look forward to supporting him implement the findings of last year’s Review of international development, the roll out of the new Equalities Funding Stream, and other additions to the International Development Fund following the announcement of a 50% increase last year. Above all, we look forward to making the case to Neil  that strong, well-resourced civil society links between Scotland, its partner countries and beyond is a vital part of Scotland’s small but impactful contribution to global solidarity.”

Neil has been the MSP for Airdrie & Shotts since May 2021, having previously held the position of MP for the same constituency from 2015-2021, and served as deputy convener of the SNP’s Social Justice and Fairness Commission.

As we welcome Neil into his new post, the Alliance wishes Jenny Gilruth all the best in her role as Minister for Transport. We have benefited from her generous time and experience on a number of projects and events, including our most recent Annual Conference 2021. 

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