Type of project: A new Open Call for Proposals to support teachers in crisis contexts. The successful grantee(s) will deliver three connected and phased workstreams which aim to strengthen teacher support systems.Workstreams include the following: Synthesizing the evidence-base/promising practices and making recommendations to inform ECW’s work and the other workstreams. Advancing systems-strengthening efforts to support teacher capacities at the national and/or sub-national level in a subset of Multi-Year Resilience Programmes (MYRPs) countries. Developing and launching a global report and/or other advocacy products.
Location: Countries will be chosen from those where the funder has active Multi-Year Resilience Programmes (MYRPs). A list of current MYRP countries is provided in Annex A of the Request for Proposals document.
Eligibility: This RFP is open to all international and national organizations that can provide the requested goods/services/works and are legally constituted or represented in the country where the services will be delivered.
Closing date: 24 January
Apply: Teachers Cannot Wait: A new Open Call for Proposals to support teachers in crisis contexts | Education Cannot Wait