Type of project: We work to make sure that both new and established feminist groups in the MENA region have access to more and better funding to continue and develop their work, articulate their own priorities and produce local knowledge through our 3 grant making programs: Core funds for emerging groups; Project funds for established groups; Knowledge Production funds for activists, groups and engaged scholars.
Location: Algeria, Jordan, Oman, Sudan, Bahrain, Kuwait, Palestine, Syria, Egypt, Lebanon, Qatar, Tunisia, Libya, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Iraq, Morocco, Somalia, Yemen.
Eligibility: Doria invites feminist activists and feminist movement builders to apply for any of grants. The Fund will prioritize applications from: New and emerging groups, individuals, and collectives in the MENA region; Groups, individuals, and collectives who have never previously received funding; Established groups, individuals, or collectives seeking funding to launch a new project. Doria will prioritize: Projects and applications led by women and trans groups, individuals, and collectives
Grant size: Between $5,000 – $10,000. Doria seeks to fund up to 10 new groups, individuals, and collectives per year.
Apply: https://www.doriafeministfund.org/grantmaking