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Global citizenship education

A new space for Global Citizenship Education on SIDA’s website

Following our previous announcement that the International Development Education Association of Scotland (IDEAS) will officially become part of Scotland’s International Development Alliance (SIDA), we’re excited to introduce a new section on our website dedicated to Global Citizenship Education. This section will soon feature all the valuable resources and content previously featured on the IDEAS website. 

As we integrate the IDEAS brand and website into SIDA over the next six months, our site will become a hub for global citizenship education resources and news in Scotland. 

In addition to this online space, we’re collaborating to co-host the Global Citizenship Community, which you can explore and join here

Thank you for supporting our efforts to advance global citizenship across Scotland. We’ll keep you informed with regular updates throughout the transition. 

Overview of Global citizenship education (GCE)

Education in support of Global Citizenship

A vital element of improved global citizenship is education and that is why we are planning to merge our efforts in this area with IDEAS, the International Development Education Association of Scotland (IDEAS) 

Over time, this page will help you find all the key activities taking place in the IDEAS network and fresh new teaching content from the Development Education Centres across Scotland.

If you want to know more about IDEAS then see its 2023-5 strategy and current priorities.

IDEAS is also working with Global Citizenship organisations across the UK to promote a new Case for Global Learning to advocate for greater prominence and funding for this work with governments and key education policy makers.

If you’re a teacher/educator looking for inspiration or support then please take a look at the quarterly online magazine Stride.

There is also a huge collection of multi-media teaching material tailored for all stages of the  Scottish curriculum via the Signposts website.

For any questions, please contact us at

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