‘Sustainability: easy to say, hard to achieve?’
- Date: Tuesday 19th July
- Time: 11am (UK) / 12 Noon (Malawi)
Almost every funding application ever written talks about ‘sustainability’ as something that’s easily achieved, yet this is very rarely the lived reality on the ground. It’s something that’s part of our all vocabulary but do we spend enough time really reflecting on what we really mean by ‘sustainability’. We recognise that it has lots of different meanings in different contexts and we think that across the SMP and MaSP membership there’s brilliant learning from over the years about what has, and hasn’t, worked in this area. We’re keen to tap into this.
These 60-minute informal digital events don’t have named speakers, or even a formal agenda, but rather are an open space for members to come together and share their own views, experience and learning, and also to ask questions of other members.
So, if sustainability is of interest to you, we really encourage you to come along and get involved in the discussion.
We encourage all those attending to think about the below questions which will likely come up in the conversation:
- What does ‘sustainability’ mean to you and your partners?
- Can you share an example of an approach you have taken, been involved in or have seen which you feel has helpfully made a partnership genuinely sustainable?
- And have you seen an approach which you feel has undermined sustainability?
- Have your views on ‘sustainability’ changed over time?
- Should everything be ‘sustainable’ / is ‘sustainability’ the right approach?
- Are there resources, information or advice which you have found really useful in building sustainability?
- What advice would you give yourself relating to ‘sustainability’ if you were starting your own partnership afresh?
- What more (in very tangible terms) can we do as individuals and a community to support sustainability?
- Can building gender equality support a more sustainable approach?
You’re also able to ask your own questions of those attending: it’s very much a ‘watercooler chat’. So think about what really matters for you in this area.
We’re really keen to have a diverse range of voices and views, so please don’t be shy about inviting your partners to attend and take part in the discussion.